Happy Yule and Merry Christmas
In this time of cheer, I’m still trying to float in this world of commerce! In these next few days, I want to focus on my family and gatherings we will share. Come the 26th, it will be a plan of action! I’ve already done more social media that ever before. Even my first reel, which got over 1k views, which is far beyond anything I’ve ever done. It was so fun to make and it was just about being genuine and showing what I do to make candles. I use a crockpot and let the wax melt in the container, rather than adding already melted wax from the stove. to me it provides less mess which leads to a happier me! I’m all about an easy process and an easy clean up!
In this time of cheer, I plan on doing a Yule Log on Christmas to blend the two traditions together. I hope this reel will be just as popular. The Yule Log is last year’s Christmas tree trunk, so really truly bringing the traditions together. Thanks to my partner for drying out the trunk this past year and for sawing it into log sized pieces.
The start of Yule was spent with family, but mostly the cooking was done by my mom. Christmas day will be the day that I will do most of the cooking. Bringing recipes out from my Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings Cookbooks. I hope to have the energy to get through it all. Wish me luck! Happy Yule and Merry Christmas all!